Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G


mining, aluminum alloy frame, wheels 26", rigid fork, transmission planetary transmission 8 soon., rear brake rim mechanical

General information (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Release date on the market 2013
Class mountain
Women's bike
Teenage bike
Frame (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Frame material aluminum alloy
Frame type closed
Foldable frame
Rear shock
Frame color grey
Plug (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Plug Verso
The plug type hard
Transmission (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Sprocket rear
Drive type chain
Transmission type with planetary gear
Number of speeds 8
The number of stars in the system 1
The number of stars in the cassette 1
Shifters (shifter) (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Shifters SRAM
Type manitok Grip-Shift
Brakes (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Front brake Concept
Type front brake rim mechanical
Rear brake Concept
Type rear brakes rim mechanical
Wheels (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
The diameter of the wheels 26 "
Rim Schurmann
Double rim
The material of the rims aluminum
Tires Schwalbe
Tread pattern polyline
The wheel (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
The wheel Concept
Saddle (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Saddle Concept
Type saddle sports
Pedal (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Pedal AUTHOR NonSlip resin
Type pedals platform
Trim (Kalkhoff Sahel 8-G)
Front flap
Back shield
The trunk
Rear view mirror
Bell or horn
Depreciation saddle
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